Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Personal Reflection #2

Personal Reflection

The most part I like it in this course is the way we are learning and doing our homework because it helps us to improve our vocabulary. For example, from our projects I learnt a lot of new words and new information. The way we are doing our projects teach us how to do a research and make it in our special way. Also, my reading and writing skills get improved and less mistakes. In addition, I learnt how to make summary which will help me when I will have a research, so, I can summarize it and write it in my own way. The most special think I interested while learning it is referencing. It supports my essay and making my writing strong. All this skills could help me in my major "Mechanical engineering" and my future career. Later on, if I have any research or report to do, I will know how to do it in a simple and scientific form. Besides, I will know how to write this research in my own words because I practice in making summary very well. My biggest challenges in written communication could be grammar and vocabulary because I think that I need more practice in my writing skills. Some times when I read something, I can't understand anything because of my vocabulary. So, it is the time to be perfect in writing and reading. Finally, I would say thank you to Mr. John Vrhovnik for teaching me and I really enjoyed your course very much.

Name: Abdul Rahman Mohamed Omer Balbahaith
ID: H00237428
Section: CID
Word Count: 254

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Essay 2 - Storry of Stuff

Story of Stuff

There is a story of how stuff moves through the economy. Stuff moves in five different steps which are extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal, as described in “The Story of Stuff “.  But these steps should move in a safe and healthy ways at the time we see them are not going in a safe way. Nowadays, we see a lot of waste, unsafe consumption, pollution and a lot of toxins which means there no benefits from recycling. So, we have to do a lot of things to protect ourselves from the coming dangers of stuff. In my essay, I’m going to discuss these things and I’m going to present the best solutions to get rid of our stuff situation.

 The first step of the material process starts with extraction. Extraction means "taking the planet’s resources- wood, minerals, coal, fossil fuel, water, plants, animals, and soil out of the earth and starting their journey through the materials economy" (Story of Stuff, 2007). The problem is on the way that we are using stuff. We use a lot of resources in the extraction stage which causes a lot of problems for the environment and our health. For example, the statistics show that workers who are working in mining are responsible for over 3% of fatal accidents at work around the world. So, to solve this problem we should use fewer resources from the planet and improve our extraction methods to be safely for the planet, environment and workers.

          The second step of the material process starts with production. “The index of Industrial Production is a fixed-weight measure of the physical output of the nation's factories, mines, and utilities” (Federal Reserve, 2012). The problem here starts from the factory workers because they are the biggest producers of toxic chemicals. So, this industrial production system would be very harmful for the environment like air, water and climate change. If we will still use these toxic chemicals, we will get a lot of health problems like cancer and disruption of our neurological and hormonal systems. To solve this situation, we must use renewable resource in the production process. In addition, all communities should make a plan and cooperate to maintain a healthy production system.

          The third step of the material process starts with distribution. “Distribution is the process of moving a product from its manufacturing source to its customers” (Rouse, 2005). The energy is the method used to transport products to its customers. But, the energy we used in transportation is very harmful because it causes a lot of CO2, increasing greenhouse gases and chewing up farmland. Besides, some companies do not give their workers health insurance which will increase their stress and affect their health by time. So, to improve our distribution strategy we have to make green buildings, use environmentally friendly transportation and sustainable land use planning which builds communities with a healthy environment.

            The fourth step of the material process starts with consumption which is defined as “Consumption of goods and services is the amount of them used in a particular time period” (businessdictionary, 2012). The rate of consumption is increasing around the world, which cause more waste and more greenhouse gasses. So, increasing rates of consumption means more lost resources and this would be a real danger for the planet. Nowadays, we have stuff more than before and we pay our health as a price because this stuff includes a lot of chemical toxics. Moreover, workers spend more time in their job which leads to more consumption and less time for building communities. Changing consumer behavior is not enough to solve the problem, but we can maintain the planet and our health by buying environmentally friendly stuff.
          The fifth step of the material process starts with disposal. “Disposal is getting rid of or giving away” (yourdictionary, 2012). At the end, the whole waste gets burned and thrown. This waste will pollute the air, land, water and produce greenhouse gasses. Emission from landfills causes a lot of dioxins in the air which affect our health and our food chain. Also, statistics show that all workers are agreeing that all health problems linked to harmful items. The only solution we have it is recycling because it is safer. Recycling has less harmful toxics and no bad effects. So, in this way we will succeed in reducing the quantity and toxicity of production inputs and waste outputs.
          The consumption of oil and gas in the UAE is going to be in a critical stage in the future. The statistics show that proven oil reserves will decline by 5.8 billion barrels from 96.8 billion barrels in 2011 to just over 91 billion barrels by 2016, and this is caused from the much raising of production of oil. While other study shows that UAE’s gas reserves are falling from six trillion cubic metres (tcm) in 2011 to around 5.8 tcm by 2016. So these numbers prove that our resources are consumed in a dangerous way. There a lot of solutions of this situation such as reduce the numbers of production and consumption. Besides, the environmentally consumption should be educated in our schools. So, by doing these things I’m sure that we will be in the safe side.
          In conclusion, we should know that the world extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal are moving in a wrong way because the consequences of these are not educated to our students. These five steps is like a life cycle that we have follow it very carefully because any mistake would result a lot of environmental problems like pollution and greenhouses which would be detrimental to the entire planet.

Name: Abdul Rahman Mohamed Omer Balbahaith.
ID: H00237428
Section: CID
Word Count: 941

‘Extraction’ « The Story of Stuff Project. (2007, January 1).  The Story of Stuff Project. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from
Reserve, F. (2012, April 15). Yahoo! Briefing Economic Calendar Terms. Top News Archive - Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from
Rouse, M. (2005, August 12). What is distribution? - Definition from Enterprise Linux information, news and tips - Retrieved May 5, 2012, from
Sustainable Development: Future of Nuclear Power. (2012, April 11). World Nuclear Association | Nuclear Power - a Sustainable Energy Resource. Retrieved April 11, 2012, from
UAE oil reserves to fall nearly 6bn barrels by 2016: report - Emirates 24/7. (2012, March 12). Breaking News, UAE, GCC, Middle East, World News and Headlines - Emirates 24/7. Retrieved May 16, 2012, from
What is consumption? definition and meaning. (2012, May 16). - Online Business Dictionary. Retrieved May 16, 2012, from