Friday, March 23, 2012

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection
          At the first week of joining HCT group, I was really interested to get my schedule and join my class. To be honest, the first week was the most difficult week because I have a lot of papers I have to give it to Academic services for my registration process. After that I started attending my classes and I was comfortable from the first week. I met friendly friends and wonderful teachers. Initially, I think the subjects are easy except psychology. I think it's really tough and it's hard to understand it. The English has an easy concept but it is hard to me to apply very well. I think we have to do more practice in English to get higher marks. For physics, I see it really easy and there is nothing new because everything we had takes it in our school studies. The math same as physics but it becomes harder step by step. Safety is an interesting subject if you are focused with you the teacher. I like safety because it has a workshop to work on machines. Besides, I like this subject because it is related to my major which is mechanical engineering. We have also subject called AutoCAD. I like the teacher but I hate this subject because it depends on drawing. Drawing is making me bored. So I hope to do well in AutoCAD. Finally, I hope to get high marks and doing well in HCT.   

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